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Library Resource Center Information(LRC): About Us

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Library Resource Center Guidelines and Procedures

The mission of the Library Resource Centers (LRC) at Central Community College is to serve the diverse information needs of our students, faculty, and staff. We support the college’s mission by acquiring resources to support the curriculum and providing equal access to those resources. We promote the development of information literacy through class presentations and interaction with our library users.

The goal of the Library Resource Centers (LRC) at Central Community College is to have a usable collection of resources which support the college curriculum. The major objective is to be an active participant in the educational programs of Central Community College. Our collections include materials in various formats such as print, media, and electronic. The collections on each campus reflect curriculum-specific needs and support both on- and off-campus students of the college.

Central Community College is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution.

Resource Access

To log into WebCentral, you will enter your WebCentral ID which is the first part of your CCC email (example: and the password you created for your email. You will then be prompted for multi-factor authentication (MFA). If you encounter any problems accessing WebCentral or need a password reset, please contact the CCC Service Center at (308) 398-7999 during business hours.

To access databases or Flipster off-campus, you need to be a current Central Community College (CCC) student, faculty, or staff member. When you try to access one of the databases, a page should pop up where you can enter your username and password. Note: This is the same username & password used for WebCentral access. Multi-factor authentication will be required during login if prompted. 

Nebraska residents who are not CCC faculty, student or staff members may access a number of NebraskAccess databases by entering a valid driver's license number or state identification number. If you are a Nebraska resident without a Nebraska driver's license, please contact a library staff member.

The Library Resource Center (LRC) is open to Central Community College students, staff, faculty, and community visitors. We strive for a safe, equitable learning environment. Users and visitors may be subject to the applicable guidelines, procedures, and administrative decisions for each Central Community College campus.

The availability of collections, services, digital access, and staff may vary based on location or the classification of library user type. LRC staff may exercise professional discretion in the daily operations of the LRC.

The use of LRC resources, collections, services, space, webpages, and staff is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, medical, or financial advice.

Collection Development

The Library Resource Center (LRC) staff on each campus is primarily responsible for selecting resources suitable for their individual collection and often review current and retrospective bibliographies and journals, judging format and degree of completeness.
All library users are invited to recommend items for the LRC collection. The staff strives to meet the needs for faculty and students.

The following priorities guide selecting resources:

  1. should support the curriculum, programs, and in general, student learning;
  2. should aid faculty members in teaching and aid all staff with professional growth;
  3. not directly related to Central Community College programs, but are of educational or informational interest for an educated and informed college community

When selecting specific resources for the LRC, the following general points are considered:

  • relevance and significance of the topic to the college curriculum;
  • sufficiency of scope and treatment for the intended audience;
  • accuracy and effective presentation of the information;
  • timeliness or performance of the material;
  • reviews by experts in the field or other respected authorities;
  • response to reference requests or questions;
  • favorable reviews in the literature.

General Collection
Items supporting the curriculum of Central Community College have priority in selection.

Books provide a wide scope of historical, comprehensive, and diverse information for our students, faculty, and staff. Textbooks are not bought for the collection. Multiple copies of a book title are not usually bought for each campus collection.

Periodicals are publications issued in successive parts, bearing numeric or chronological designation. For publications local in nature, the Resource Center will buy hard copies as long as funding is available. Periodicals and journals are bought through subscription and continue as long as funding is available. When national and international publications are needed, electronic databases are preferred sources. Full-text electronic databases are the preferred source for serials, periodicals, journals, and newspapers.

Audiovisual materials include, but are not limited to audiotapes, compact discs, and DVDs as recommended by faculty and staff to support instructional needs.

Electronic and Online Resources
Electronic and online resources are available to all students, faculty, and staff. Most of these resources can be accessed remotely. Selection of electronic resources will be based on the same criteria used for other formats. Because of the unique format, other factors such as ease of use, access methods, interface choices, searching and information delivery methods will also be considered.

Out-of-Print Materials
Out-of-print materials are rarely bought unless it is for replacement of heavily-used titles which are either lost or withdrawn because of poor physical condition or they will fill in significant gaps in the collection.

Archival Collection
The Resource Centers will maintain a collection of materials to document the history of Central Community College.

Using the proper guidelines, donations and gifts will be accepted. In addition, all donated materials must be in good physical condition with no writing or highlighting inside. There should be no stains, mildew, or brittle pages. Bindings should be in good repair. The Central Community College Gifts-in-Kind and Donations Procedures form must be completed.

To preserve a well-balanced, viable, and useful collection of resources for Central Community College, the Library Resource Center (LRC) staff will continually evaluate the collection to discover its effectiveness.
Decisions to replace worn out or damaged materials will be based on:

  • demand for an item;
  • existing coverage of the subject in the collection;
  • availability of newer and better materials on the subject;
  • price of the replacement copy.

To provide LRC patrons with a quality collection, obsolete, damaged, or otherwise unusable material must be withdrawn. The following criteria will be used to deselect books from the Resource Center collections:

  • materials that no longer support the curriculum;
  • poor physical condition and not suitable for repair;
  • obsolete information with little historical value;
  • replacement by a newer edition or a resource with better coverage or a more suitable format;
  • duplicate copies of a title no longer in high demand;
  • material with publication dates older than 5 years.

The Library Resource Centers (LRC) support:

Library Bill of Rights
American Library Association. (1996). ALA Library Bill of Rights.
The Freedom to Read Statement
American Library Association. (2004, June 20). ALA Freedom to Read Statement.
Freedom to View Statement
American Library Association. (1990, January 10). ALA Freedom to View Statement.
Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries
American Library Association. (2000, July 12). ALA Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries.
Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records
American Library Association. (1986, July 2). ALA Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records.
The LRC acquire materials which represent differing opinions and without censorship. No materials will be added or withdrawn at the request of any single individual or group. Any student, faculty member, and staff may formally challenge any material found in the LRC collection based on appropriateness.

Central Community College strives to provide the college community with current material reflecting diverse views of controversial social, scientific, and philosophical issues. Members of the college community with concerns about material in the Library Resource Center (LRC) collection or materials not selected should use the following procedures to express those concerns:

  1. The complainant may visit with the supervisor of the applicable library campus. The complainant should clearly and concisely state the reason for the concern and provide a solution or potential solution for consideration.
  2. If the supervisor of the applicable library campus and the complainant cannot reach an agreeable solution, a written statement will be provided to the Associate Dean responsible for the LRCs. The Associate Dean, supervisor, and the complainant will meet to try to reach an agreeable solution. Dean may be called on to meet with the parties to provide additional input.
  3. If an agreement cannot be reached at level two, the Dean, Associate Dean, and complainant, will meet to see what solutions may be reached.
  4. The final step to the appeal process will involve the complainant, Dean, and the College President. The College President’s decision will be the final decision.
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